Team Wiland
That’s us.
Landon, Kara, Charlie, John, and Penny.
We are Team Wiland.
I love the idea that your family is your team. It brings family into the proper context, because if I’m not careful I get so used to the people closest to me that the relationships more or less become an afterthought.
We aren’t just a family. We are a team.
We are made up of individuals that each have unique gifts that when brought together can make an even greater impact than any one of us could on our own.
Part of the beauty is that you can’t be a great teammate if you’re only focused on yourself. Teams succeed when you look outside yourself and find ways to support and encourage the other people on your team. It’s like the old adage goes, “A team is only as strong as it’s weakest player.”
Admittedly our team is “young.” We’re no ‘95 Bulls, but you gotta start somewhere.
I’ll leave you with this.
You may have heard the phrase “1% better every day.” I once heard a coach take the “1%” from that saying and cut it down to tenth of that - 0.1%. Now getting “0.1% better every day” doesn’t sound impressive and almost doesn’t even seem worth working for, but over time it adds up! In a years time (which every year goes by faster than the last) we will be over 35% better than we were. That’s sustainable growth.
We are Team Wiland and we are excited for what the future holds!
-Team Wiland