To: Kara

Kar Bear,

You are the greatest blessing I have and will ever receive on this earth. I didn’t deserve you and still don’t, yet God in his mercy and grace allows me the honor of calling you my wife.

You are such a light. Your kindness and love for others is something I strive to have more of.

More than anything else your ability to be a wife to me and a mom to our children amaze me on moment by moment basis. You are undoubtedly graced to do what you do. The way you love and serve your family is a beautiful picture of my Savior’s love. How blessed am I to have that in my wife?!

You are so incredibly gifted. Not just in the things that the people that know you constantly point out. No, much deeper things. Eternal things. I see gifts in you that I am so freaking excited for you to recognize.


You are good.

I will never be able to put into words my ever growing love for you. You are so loved.

I love you, Kara.


P.S. Happy 26th Birthday :)

KaraLandon Wiland